Remote Actions ✨

Google Calendar scenario

Scheduling Meetings with Google Calendar Integration

  • A Google Calendar account
  • An Alice account

Set up a "Schedule Meeting" Snippet

  1. Create a New Snippet:
    • Within Alice, navigate to the Snippets section.
    • Click "New Snippet" and give it a descriptive name like "Schedule Meeting".
    • Select an appropriate category (e.g., "Business" or "Productivity").
  2. Craft Your Prompt:
  • Design a prompt that gathers the essential meeting details. Consider the following:
    - Meeting Title:
    - Attendee Email(s):
    - Meeting Date and Time:
    • Meeting Duration:
    • (Optional): Include a standard Zoom link or meeting location if you have a default preference.
  1. Enable JSON and Remote Actions:
    • Check the boxes for "JSON" and "Remote Action" within your snippet settings. This allows Alice to process structured data and communicate with external services.

Link Google Calendar

  1. Generate a Webhook:
    • Within Alice, create a new webhook. This will provide a unique URL for your integration. Copy this URL.
  2. Connect to Google Calendar (API Setup Required):
    • You'll need to use Google Calendar's API to establish the connection. This may involve setting up authentication and obtaining API keys. Refer to Google Calendar's developer documentation for detailed instructions.

Using Your Snippet

  1. Initiate Scheduling:
    • Activate your "Schedule Meeting" snippet in Alice.
    • Fill in the requested meeting details.
  2. Conflict Detection:
    • Alice will communicate with your Google Calendar to check for any scheduling conflicts at the proposed time.
    • If a conflict exists, Alice will notify you and may provide a link to the conflicting event.
    • If no conflicts exist, Alice will proceed to add the meeting to your Google Calendar.

Additional Notes

  • This guide provides a basic framework for scheduling meetings. More advanced features, such as rescheduling or canceling meetings, can be added with further customization.
  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions set up within your Google Calendar account to allow Alice to make changes.