Getting Started 👋

Chatting with Alice

This document covers how to use Alice, an AI assistant that can be used for a variety of tasks, including generating images, translating text, and writing different kinds of creative content.
Here are the key steps on how to use Alice:

  • Start a conversation: You can start a conversation with Alice by pressing return to send your message. Alice will respond to your message and you can continue the conversation back and forth.
  • Select a model: Alice offers different models that you can use to chat with. Each model has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, the gpd4 model is a good all-around model for casual conversations, while the GPT 3 and a half turbo 16k model is better for tasks that require a longer history of conversation, such as writing a creative story.
  • Access past conversations: You can access your past conversations with Alice by pressing command K and going to history. You can then search for a particular conversation or open the most recent conversation.